Monday 23 November 2015

Evaluation on Criteria C


In the design specs Michael says that the plane will be multi-colored however the plane he did make was only two colors. That said every thing else was very well made, he did a good job with his plane and it looks obvious that it is what he says it is whereas others are nothing like what they are supposed to be like. Overall if i were to make Michael's project i would give him either 6 or 7 because it was very good but there is always room for improvements. 

Monday 16 November 2015



In my project I created a large word document that explained every type of printer that miss told us to research. I also included the father of printers and how he came to inventing the commonly used printer. I enjoyed finding out about the father of printers and his background life. I found getting the information about the printers and figuring out how they work the hardest thing to do because there were websites that gave absolutely no information about my researched topic. I think that getting the information about the father of printing and putting it into my own words was the thing that worked the best in my project. And finally I think that I could organise the information and the pictures better because it looks really messy on my blog.

TinkerCad Tutorial Project

In my tutorials I created a ruler and a boat. I created one thing that miss said and the other thing was from a different tutorial that I decided to create because it looked really cool. I enjoyed making the ruler because it was the coolest thing to do and it was easy to create. The hardest thing was getting all the shapes to be exactly symmetrical and so that they look good. I think that actually creating the creations was the most fun thing to do because it took creativeness. I think that I could have made more shapes to help the grades in the final report.

TinkerCad Object

For my final object I created a A330 airplane that ran on wind power. This airplane would be the only one of its kind and it would be very cheap to by. I created this object on tinkercad. I enjoyed the inventing and the thinking of the initial idea because it could be as random as I wanted. The hardest thing to do was to actually put the object into action on tinkercad. I think that I enjoyed sketching the ideas the most because I could be really creative with that. I think that I could have put more detail into my final creation.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Final design

Reflection on the final design

In the end I created an A330 airplane. Before I started this project I brainstormed ideas that would help me in doing me creation. Then I sketched out two ideas of the drawing. After I did this I went onto tinkercad and I started creating my design. This took me two full hours to create and I am quite happy with the outcome of the design.

Wednesday 4 November 2015


These two airplanes are A330s. These are quite big airplanes that can hold over 300 hundred passengers.I want to design this because it will help the enviornment because the engines will run on wind power. This airplane will help many people because it is very cheap to buy tickets to fly on it. 

Monday 19 October 2015

Design Situation

I am a student in EISM. As an assement in my MYP design class i will be using a website called tinkercad to create my own design. Tinkercad is a website that you use to create 3d objects to create a shape or an object. As part of my MYP design I  have decided to create an airplane in 3d that represents me because I want to be a pilot when i grow up. I have chosen this design because I have a massive interest in airplanes and my dad is a pilot and he flys all around the world. There are many different types of airplanes around the world. None of them have any flaws because if they did people would be killed every day because there are so many flights everyday. In my design there will be many unique features, here are some examples of these features: the plane will have my name and my dads name at the side to represent that I made the plane for my dad, the plane will be multicoloured and it will have its own unique airline name. Here are some of my favourite airplanes:

This is what my dad fly's:

I will make a commercial airplane. This airplane will be a mix of the three ones that my dad flies. I want to build it for my dad because he is a pilot and i look up to him alot. The color will mainly be based on the air seychelles airplane. This is because my dad is currently working in the seychelles so i want to create one so that he can fly it when he is there. Passengers of airlines are always looking for the best prices of a flight and they are also looking for the best comfort in their environment and they are also looking for a good looking airplane. The airplane that I will build will appeal to all passengers because it will be good looking, it will run on wind power like a kite so it will be inexpensive to buy tickets to the airplane and it will also let the passengers know that they are in for a safe and comfortable flight. So this is what I will design for my MYP final assessment.

Monday 12 October 2015

I made this boat by looking at the screen that miss put up and then using my imagination on tinkercad to create it.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

TinkerCad Creations

Learning Objective: Key ring letters and results

In this progarm i decided to change the original thing that we had to write which was Katie to my thing that i currently have on my key chain. It was pretty easy to create becasue all of the letters were already there for me. So therefore I was able to create it in under five minites.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Research on different types of printers

Inquiry and analysing

The father of printing

Johannes Gutenberg is the founder of printers. There is not a lot known about this man but we suspect that he was born in the early 1400s. He was maybe born in Mainz circa. His family supplied the cities bank with metal so that the bank could produce their coined mint. In 1434 he moved to Strasbourg circa. In Strasbourg he was a goldsmith in the daytime but at home after work he was an inventor. He worked in great secrecy and never told anyone. he was working to create movable type (computers) and he was developing a new press printing machine for the corks of wine. Then in 1448 he moved back to Mainz and asked for a loan of the cities wealthiest man. He got the loan and build a the first ever printing shop. Then he printed the famous 42 line bible. 


What are impact printers:

Impact printers are a catagory of printers that work by banging a needle against an ink ribbon to make a mark on the paper or a mark on the thing that you are using to put the paper on. These are some examples of impact printers: dot-matrix and daisy wheel.

What are non-impact printers;

Non-imapct printers are printers that do not use a needle or a head to print out something. Non-impact priters either use lasers or ink jets to print out anything. Here are some examples of non-impact printers: ink-jet and laser printers.

Dot matrix printer

The dot matrix printer was invented in 1970 by Robert Howard. It works by hundreds of pins inside the computor hittng the paper and coloring the part of the paper that they hit. Theis goes on until the page is covered with the information that the user printed.

Daisy wheel printer

The daisy wheel printer was invented in 1969 by David. S. Lee. It works by a wheel in the middle of the computer hitting the page with the letters of the alphabit stuck on the end of a stick that is attached to the wheel. The letters are covered in ink and therefore make a mark on the page.

Inkjet printer

The inkjet printer was developed in the mid 1950's by Hawlett-Packard. It works by propelling droplets of ink on to the page that is currently inside of the printer. It it an extremly fast printer that can print a blank page in under ten seconds.

Laser printer

The laser printer was invented in 1969 by the inventor Gary Starkweather. It works by tiny little lasers inside the printer going over the page and technacally wrinting with lasers. This is a very fast printer.

Hewlett Packard Laser printer

Thermal printer

The thermal printer was invenvented in The the late 1940s by Jack Kilby. It works by the paper going inside of the thermal printer and that paper getting heated up. This paper is called thermal paper. Once the paper is heated up enough it passes over something called the print head. This will pass over the paper and coat the areas that are supposed to be written on and this will then produce an image or writing.

Monday 14 September 2015

My design

My digital design will be a treehouse. This is what my dream treehouse will look like and I will hopefully build this in the future.