Monday 16 November 2015



In my project I created a large word document that explained every type of printer that miss told us to research. I also included the father of printers and how he came to inventing the commonly used printer. I enjoyed finding out about the father of printers and his background life. I found getting the information about the printers and figuring out how they work the hardest thing to do because there were websites that gave absolutely no information about my researched topic. I think that getting the information about the father of printing and putting it into my own words was the thing that worked the best in my project. And finally I think that I could organise the information and the pictures better because it looks really messy on my blog.

TinkerCad Tutorial Project

In my tutorials I created a ruler and a boat. I created one thing that miss said and the other thing was from a different tutorial that I decided to create because it looked really cool. I enjoyed making the ruler because it was the coolest thing to do and it was easy to create. The hardest thing was getting all the shapes to be exactly symmetrical and so that they look good. I think that actually creating the creations was the most fun thing to do because it took creativeness. I think that I could have made more shapes to help the grades in the final report.

TinkerCad Object

For my final object I created a A330 airplane that ran on wind power. This airplane would be the only one of its kind and it would be very cheap to by. I created this object on tinkercad. I enjoyed the inventing and the thinking of the initial idea because it could be as random as I wanted. The hardest thing to do was to actually put the object into action on tinkercad. I think that I enjoyed sketching the ideas the most because I could be really creative with that. I think that I could have put more detail into my final creation.

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